

Stärkung der Investitionen in neue erneuerbare Energien

Stärkung der Investitionen in neue erneuerbare Energien

Dec 1,2020.
according to the news , spanish power company Endesa said on wednesday that it will raise 7.9 billion euros in investment for decarbonization and new renewable energy production capacity during 2021-2023. This is part of the company’s strategic plan for 2021-2023. Specifically, renewable energy it will receive 3.3 billion euros in investment, which will be used to connect approximately 3,000 MW of solar energyand 900 MW of wind power. With the closure of Endesa's coal-fired power station in 2021, the new capacity will be sufficient to make up for the loss of 2,500 MW of coal power in the iberian Peninsula.
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